Archive for June 2015

Trivial pursuits?

It is difficult to think of anything less important than the vice-chairmanship of the county council’s audit committee. So you might wonder why Monday’s meeting of the committee spent more than half an hour debating the question. This committee was established by the Local Government Measure (Wales) 2011 under a section headed “Strengthening local democracy”.... Read More »

All at sea

Something (or someone) seems to be stirring in the usually sleepy village of Little Haven where the county council is proposing to reinforce the sea defences to prevent future flooding. A petition with 125 signatures has been got up by disgruntled locals who are objecting to the defacement of their popular beach with rock armour... Read More »

Bungalow farmers return

A bit of a punfest has broken out over on that other website following Jamie Adams’ promotion of retired Crymych baker Cllr Keith Lewis to deputy leader of PCC. Jacob scaled new heights, or, depending on your taste, plumbed new depths, when he likened the saga to Shakespeare’s “Much a dough about muffins.” It seems... Read More »