Archive for February 2017

Window of opportunity

  A couple of weeks ago, council members were told that the police have now handed the file on the Commercial Property Grant Scheme (CPGS) in Pembroke Dock to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). I also hear from a separate source that the CPS is expected to come to a decision sometime in February. By... Read More »

Blast from the past

You may have read in the newspapers how Judge Robin Tolson QC refused the wife of a millionaire mushroom-farmer a divorce because his behaviour towards her had not been unreasonable. Mrs Tini Owens had outlined her husband’s intolerable conduct, saying it included criticising her in front of their housekeeper and making her pick up bits... Read More »

Abandoning ship?

Since posting the item below, my inbox has been bombarded with the names of IPPG defectors and other potential Tory candidates. Most of them are so improbable that I can only assume Putin is putting out fake news in order to confuse the Pembrokeshire electorate. It worked in America, so why not here? With the local elections... Read More »

Alternative facts

Alternative factsThe very first Pembrokeshire County Council meeting (13 Dec 2013) to be webcast featured the now famous speech during which the cabinet member with responsibility for grants, Cllr David Pugh, tried to blacken my character by claiming that my allegations about irregularities in the administration of grants in Pembroke Dock were nothing but a pack of... Read More »